The Search Engine Optimization Exercise is a NEW free service at ACT.

An SEO Specialist will review and develop effective SEO strategies and solutions for your website. We are providing a technical audit of a website.

The SEO Exercise is a 2-4 week program per site. 


Technical Audit

A technical audit will look at the overall website for both back end and front end issues. Examples of this are missing sitemaps, issues with indexing on search engines, content issues, keywords, metadata issues, h1 tags, missing alt text, link quality and outside references, site speed, broken links and more.

In addition to the audit - participants will learn how SEO goes hand in hand with website accessibility. A report is provided at the end of the exercise. It is up to the participant to perform the modification to their own website.

Please Note:  The exercise requires individuals have the ability to make improvements on their website within the period of the exercise.